Zach Sweidan from Highland Park TX | Youth1

Athlete profile for msweidan

Zach Sweidan

Verified Profile
  • Highland Park , TX
  • 2011
  • 5' 1''
  • 85
  • 2029
  • Football
  • Quarterback
  • 120 Profile Views
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Scouting Report

The first thing you'll notice watching Sweidan's film is his comfort level making throws and decisions from the pocket. He shows remarkable field awareness and quick decision-making. He shows impressive touch and accuracy on his throws, with the ability to hit the receiver perfectly in stride. As a lefty QB, Sweidan is very smooth rolling out to his left and deliver an accurate ball on the move. He has good arm strength that allow him to throw dime across the middle, as well as loft up deep balls for a big play.

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School Name HS Graduation GPA
McCulloch intermediate school 2029

College of Interest

Goals and about me

My Dream Goal
My goal is to become a professional football player. I want to be the best QB out there that will break all records.
My Individual Season Goal
My goal every season is to learn and develop more as a player and a person. To go undefeated and compete at a highest level.
About me
I’m a very competitive kid, I like sports in general but football is my passion. Playing a QB is what I master, I have been playing since I was 6 years old. I understand the game very well and know how to win!
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