Evan Truesdale from Chenango Forks NY | Youth1

Athlete profile for kellyanne.truesdale

Evan Truesdale

Evan Truesdale

  • Chenango Forks, NY
  • 2010
  • 5' 8''
  • 165
  • 2029
  • Football
  • 102 Profile Views
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  • Year
  • 2021
    All Stars


School Name HS Graduation GPA
Chenango Forks 2029 3.8

College of Interest

Goals and about me

My Dream Goal
To major in business at Syracuse University and play football. Ultimately my dream is to play in the NFL. When I retire from the NFL I want to become an entrepreneur.
My Individual Season Goal
To improve my 40 yard dash time. To become a more skilled TE. To play against elite players that challenge me to become better.
About me
I currently attend middle school at Chenango Forks. My passion is football but I also play lacrosse, basketball and wrestling. I enjoy weight lifting, mountain biking and playing outside with my dog Mack.
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