Tristin Hall from Social Circle GA | Youth1

Athlete profile for tristinhall01

Tristin Hall

Tristin Hall

  • Social Circle, GA
  • 2008
  • 5' 9''
  • 161
  • 2026
  • Social Circle Redskins
  • Football
  • Quarterback
  • 0 Profile Views
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School Name HS Graduation GPA
Social Circle Middle-High 2026 3.0

College of Interest

Goals and about me

My Dream Goal
To make D1 and become the best I can be. I will do whatever it takes to become the best I can be.
My Individual Season Goal
I'm just a freshman right now but i want to become starting QB, Kicker, Saftey, or Punter by the time I'm a senior
About me
I have loved Football since i was 6 years old. My favorite NFL team is the Ravens(my favorite player is Lamar Jackson I style my game after him) And the College team is Georgia Tech and Ohio State. I love video games I love history and I love Football and Soccer
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