Shawn Jones from Salem VA | Youth1

Athlete profile for tshawnjo8

Shawn Jones

Shawn Jones

  • Salem, VA
  • 2004
  • 5' 9''
  • 190
  • 2022
  • Football
  • Middle Linebacker
    Running Back
  • 98 Profile Views
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School Name HS Graduation GPA
Salem High School 2022 3.5

College of Interest

Goals and about me

My Dream Goal
Im going to go to the NFL and play running back, middle linebacker, or free safety. My second choice is to be and olympic sprinter. If I don’t pursue a career in playing sports I would like to be an FBI agent.
My Individual Season Goal
I will try to run 1000+ yards in a season, At least 10-15 tackles, and 20+ touchdowns.
About me
I come from a small city in Virginia. No one would really take a chance on me until I met my linebacker Coach Murphy who has helped me become a better man in life and helped me to understand the game of football better than I ever have and I am being trained by my father and “Uncle Marty”. I also understand that in life I cant get anywhere without good grades and a great work ethic that shows no quit. I thrive to be the best on the field, on the track, at school, and at home with my family. To all coaches out there that see this , I play athlete, you can move me around on offense and defense, no one will ever out work me.
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