Ron Bolden jr from Tampa FL | Youth1

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Ron Bolden jr

Ron Bolden jr

  • Tampa, FL
  • 2007
  • 5' 11''
  • 227
  • 2025
  • Seffner Seahawks
  • Football
  • Defensive Tackle
    Offensive Line
  • 10 Profile Views
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School Name HS Graduation GPA
King High School 2025 2.0

College of Interest

Goals and about me

My Dream Goal
My dream goal is to have a good educational life and I hope to be a student athlete i plan to attend Tampa bay tech next year for 2022-23 year and soon the university of Florida and then soon make it big and go to the NFL .
My Individual Season Goal
My individual season goal is to improve in life as a person on and off the football feild and I plan to grow as a teammate and a player.
About me
My name is Ron Bolden I am 14 years old from Tampa,Fl. I am a very very hard working person im the classroom and in the field. I am very competitive in everything I do , I believe in my self and I motivate others to achieve there dreams.
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