Owen Bellendir from Fond du lac WI | Youth1

Athlete profile for fdlhockey

Owen Bellendir

Owen Bellendir


School Name HS Graduation GPA
St. Mary Springs Acadamy 2021 3.6

College of Interest

Goals and about me

My Dream Goal
My dream goal is to play D1 college hockey. Eventually my dream would would be to play in the NHL. Hockey is a passion that started when I was 4. I hope to lead by example so younger kids like my brother have someone to look up too.
My Individual Season Goal
My goal going into every season is being a good teammate, learning to be a better hockey player, and learning from my coaches and teammates. Hoping to make the national tournament with my U14 Team Wisconsin Teammates. My high school team made it to the Wisconsin State Hockey tournament. I take pride that I was a +29 as a freshman defenseman on varsity hockey.
About me
About me section not completed yet
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