Jacob McDonald from Orlando FL | Youth1

Athlete profile for Jacobgodolphins

Jacob  McDonald

Jacob McDonald

  • Orlando , FL
  • 2009
  • 5' 3''
  • 103
  • 2028
  • winter park tigers
  • Football
  • 24 Profile Views
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  • Year
  • 2021
    Won Mid-Florida Chamionship


School Name HS Graduation GPA
Winter Park High school 2028 4.0
Lake Highland Prep 2028 4.0

College of Interest

Goals and about me

My Dream Goal
My dream would be to play D1 football and eventually go pro. I know that is a reach but I will continue to work and grow physically and mentally.
My Individual Season Goal
My goal is to be the best player and best teammate. I want to win but also contribute to the team. But my main goal is to try and put in the most possible effort and pride to my team in any way.
About me
I am a WR for the Winter Park Tigers football team, I have been playing football my whole life and dream to play D1. My playing style is fast and good hands, I love the jump ball and won’t back down. I work very hard to be the best player possible. After practice’s are over I would workout in my gym to make sure I continued to stay in shape. Any off days I go out and run routes for hours and do 1v1’s.
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