Jermaine Hamilton from Kansas City MO | Youth1

Athlete profile for jermainehamilton3610

Jermaine  Hamilton

Jermaine Hamilton

  • Kansas City , MO
  • 1999
  • 6' 0''
  • 195
  • 2021
  • Lincoln College
  • Football
  • 137 Profile Views
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School Name HS Graduation GPA
Lincoln College Prep 2021 3.3

Goals and about me

My Dream Goal
My Dream goal is to win a state championship before I leave Highschool. Play for a D1 college and work my way up to starting position, And get a degree in criminologist, finish college. Make it to the NFL, pray that i have a successful pathway there.After that Perdue my dream on becoming a FBI agent, Highschool Coach and a Licensed Barber.
My Individual Season Goal
For my sophomore season we have 9 games. I want to achieve the goal of 10 tackles a games 90 tackels ,13 tackles for a loss, 7 sacks, 5 touchdowns
About me
I’m a very unique student i always will have my class work first. The domes sports i enjoy family time. My work ethics on and off the field are slowly growing and getting more consistent.
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