Jeremiah Sanders from Richmond Hill GA | Youth1

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Jeremiah Sanders

Jeremiah Sanders

  • Richmond Hill, GA
  • 2005
  • 6' 2''
  • 148
  • 2023
  • Richmond Hill High School
  • Basketball
  • Shooting Guard
  • 635 Profile Views
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  • Year
  • 2019


School Name HS Graduation GPA
Richmond Hill High School 2023 92

College of Interest

Goals and about me

My Dream Goal
I want to play for a high d1-college and get better each day I touch a basketball. I want to became an accountant and also get my bachelor's degree.
My Individual Season Goal
This season on the Eybl and Adidas Ganuntlet Circuit I want to average 16 points, 6 assists, 7 rebounds, and 3 steals.
About me
Jeremiah is a student-athlete. He aims to have all straight A's this year. Sanders has a bright future in front of him. He has an athletic frame and a willingness to be coached. Those are factors that point to future success for the shooting guard. He handled the ball well in the drills and picked up on game concepts as well. Jeremiah a 6´2 shooting guard will continue to get better and progress he gets older.
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