Javian lynwood from FAYETTEVILLE NC | Youth1

Athlete profile for jlynwood

Javian lynwood

Javian lynwood

  • 2008
  • 5' 9''
  • 140
  • 2026
  • Pine forest middle school
  • Football
  • Athlete
    Wide Receiver
  • 42 Profile Views
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School Name HS Graduation GPA
Pine forest middle school 2026 2.5

Goals and about me

My Dream Goal
Going D1 to a good school and being successful in life but I love football to the fullest.
My Individual Season Goal
10 touchdowns and 15 tackles
About me
Just a wonderful person. I'm very active in the community, Just loving to help people out. I'm a hard worker. I believe if I put my mind to it I could achieve anything that comes my way.
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