James Spicer from CA | Youth1

Athlete profile for nxt2ringside

James Spicer

James Spicer

  • CA
  • 2007
  • 5' 5''
  • 110
  • 2026
  • Westside Wildcats
    Oceanway Buccaneers
    Tulare Bulldogs
    Hanford Rebels
    OG ducks
  • Football
  • Cornerback
    Wide Receiver
  • 253 Profile Views
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  • Year
  • 2017
    Jacksonville MM City Champion


School Name HS Graduation GPA
Mark Twain Elementary 2026
John Muir Middle School 2026 3.8
Knox Middle School 2026 3.5
Audubon Middle School 2026 4.0
Dorsey High School 2026

College of Interest

Goals and about me

My Dream Goal
-Be the best I can be on the field. -Go to college with a full scholarship. -Have a high education in high school and college. Also, graduate. -One day, make it to the NFL.
My Individual Season Goal
-I want to be a better player than last season. -In high school, I want to be the help my football team needs to make it to the championship as a WR and CB.
About me
I love to play video games, hang out with my friends, swim, and ride bikes. My favorite thing to do is play football and train.
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