Furlanetto Abigail from Santa Fe NM | Youth1

Athlete profile for afurlan24

Furlanetto Abigail

Furlanetto Abigail


School Name HS Graduation GPA
Santa Fe Preparatory School 2024 4.14

College of Interest

Goals and about me

My Dream Goal
My dream goal is to play varsity soccer in college, while still being able to focus on academics. I love playing sports, and I love learning; I hope that in my future, I will be able to do both at high levels.
My Individual Season Goal
This season, I hope to play in several tournaments and showcases, as well as get to know my team better. I joined my club team this year, and it practices in Albuquerque, an hour away from my hometown. (There are no 06 girls club teams in Santa Fe.) Therefore, everyone there is new, but I have loved making new friends and becoming part of this team. I also want to improve on my soccer abilities; I want to work on getting off the ball more quickly and feeling more confident with the ball.
About me
I am from Santa
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