Camden Morton from St Augustine FL | Youth1

Athlete profile for camdenkoimorton

Camden Morton

Camden Morton

  • St Augustine, FL
  • 2008
  • 5' 7''
  • 140
  • 2027
  • Mill Creek Academy
    St Augustine Sharks
  • Football
  • Running Back
  • Baseball
  • 231 Profile Views
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  • Year
  • 2022
    2022 Creekside High School Camp Running Back MVP


School Name HS Graduation GPA
Mill Creek Academy 2027 4.0

Goals and about me

My Dream Goal
My dream goal is to always further my education and to be able to play sports beyond school.
My Individual Season Goal
My individual goal is to help my team win football games in any way that I can.
About me
NCAA ID# 2110341421. I am a serious student athlete and team player. I put in a lot of work both on and off the field to improve my skills and the skills of those around me. It is my belief that it takes a team of people to make any athlete achieve their successes.
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