Samuel Ballash from Edmonton | Youth1

Athlete profile for bamsallash

Samuel Ballash

Samuel Ballash

  • Edmonton, AB
  • 2006
  • 5' 9''
  • 200
  • 2024
  • St.Albert Bantam Junior Varsity Fury
    Community Park Little league Giants
    St.Edmunds Junior High Cross Country team
  • Football
  • Offensive Line
  • Baseball
  • 108 Profile Views
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  • Year
  • 2019
    Honours with distinction (90+ average)
  • 2020
    Honours with distinction(90+average)
  • 2019
    Wildrose Bowl(all star game)
  • 2019
    Recreation Academy Athlete of the Month
  • 2020
    Recreation Academy Athlete of the Month
  • 2021
    Recreation Academy Athlete of the Month
  • 2020
    Recreation Academy Male Academic Athlete of the Year
  • 2021
    Recreation Academy Male Academic Athlete of the Year


School Name HS Graduation GPA
St. Edmunds Catholic Junior High and Elementary school 2024 94.4

Goals and about me

My Dream Goal
I would love to have multiple NCAA D1 offers from SEC teams like Clemson,LSU, Ole Miss, and other teams from around the US like USC,Oregon,Oregon State, or Notre Dame. I want to win the Outland Trophy like Penei Sewell and ultimately to be drafted in the NFL draft.
My Individual Season Goal
I want to help my team win a provincial championship. I want to win lineman of the year for my team. I would like to make one of the Alberta summer games teams and maybe the u16 Alberta team if I grow enough
About me
I have a work ethic that I believe in unmatched. I can learn a playbook extremely fast(1-2 weeks) and I am not afraid to help my teammates if the forget their blocking assignments. I have played every position on the offensive line in a single game and I am constantly practising each position. A usual game day for me would be playing 2-3 different positions on the line, and I am moved to where my team needs me most. Even though I am on the smaller side of lineman, I have fast feet and I hit till the whistle. With my speed, This year I was on kickoff and kick return and was out running defensive backs that were a year older than me. I have never been flagged. I hate being given something if I don't think I have earned it. I always play with a chip on my shoulder and to show the people who laugh at my dreams that they were wrong to.
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