2021 Diamond Elite West Coast vs East Coast All American team
School Name
HS Graduation
West Cottonwood jr High
College of Interest
Goals and about me
My Dream Goal
My dream goal is to be drafted into the NFL by the Seahawks first or a West Coast team so I can be close to my family but first I’d like to be recruited by the Oregon Ducks on an academic scholarship. Football is my dream but I understand a lot can happen between now and then so my education comes first
My Individual Season Goal
This season My goal is to trim my 40 time, improve my agility and win in Las Vegas at the FBU championships so I can earn my spot in the National game in Florida. I also want to win the Diamond Elite West coast vs East coast All Star game in Arizona so I can get my name out there more and get more coaches paying attention to me.
About me
I’m a very driven person, I train 4-5 times a week with a personal trainer to improve speed, agility and football fundamentals as well as weight lifting. I love football, cars, music and cloths. I love my family with everything I have, they are great role models and have always given me the tools to be successful in life not just sports. Two of my best qualities is my passion and my drive. Follow me on Instagram at dominick_the_rb to watch me grow and succeed.
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